The difference between PASSIVE and ACTIVE income or the difference between EMPLOYMENT and BUSINESS especially AIM GLOBAL Business.
Passive - You don't necessarily need degree certificate to start earning income. All you need is your confidence. This does not mean you won't have to be educated.
Active - You need a degree certificate in order for you to "sell" your time for money. This is why we don't have time for other things.
Passive - You do not need any years of experience, you only need determination. You will be trained.
Active - You need years of experience. This is why nobody wants to hire fresh graduates and train them. Employers by nature are exploitative. Don't blame them. If you were in their shoes, you would do the same thing.
Active - You need a degree certificate in order for you to "sell" your time for money. This is why we don't have time for other things.
Passive - You do not need any years of experience, you only need determination. You will be trained.
Active - You need years of experience. This is why nobody wants to hire fresh graduates and train them. Employers by nature are exploitative. Don't blame them. If you were in their shoes, you would do the same thing.
Passive - You have all the time you need (TIME FREEDOM) It doesn't take all your time. You can combine it with other things.
Active - 8hrs of work everyday. You rarely have time for your family and yourself. This is what we rat race. The question you should ask yourself is how come you have not made so much money despite working all the days of your life? The answer is simple. Formal education will only give you pay check at the end of the month. This does not make you wealthy. You need self education.
Active - 8hrs of work everyday. You rarely have time for your family and yourself. This is what we rat race. The question you should ask yourself is how come you have not made so much money despite working all the days of your life? The answer is simple. Formal education will only give you pay check at the end of the month. This does not make you wealthy. You need self education.
Passive - You are your own BOSS. You are not working for anybody. You have your money doing the work for you.
Active - You have a BOSS. He or she will determine your life, your freedom and your income. This is because he or she understands what passive income is all about.
Active - You have a BOSS. He or she will determine your life, your freedom and your income. This is because he or she understands what passive income is all about.
Passive - You multiply your time through other people. This means you realize that your own efforts alone is not good enough. Therefore, you leverage on the efforts of others.
Active - You give your time to your boss so that he or she will pay you in return. If this is the only thing you do and hope to get those things you desire so much, my friend it is time to rethink. By selling your time, you allow another person to leverage on your time. Be wise, mind your own business.
Active - You give your time to your boss so that he or she will pay you in return. If this is the only thing you do and hope to get those things you desire so much, my friend it is time to rethink. By selling your time, you allow another person to leverage on your time. Be wise, mind your own business.
Passive - More time for leisure, family and for yourself. This is true because you have been able to leverage. You understand that you don't have to do it alone. You would rather have others do it for you.
Active - No much time for leisure, family and for yourself. You are at the mercy of your employer because you have sold your time for money.
Active - No much time for leisure, family and for yourself. You are at the mercy of your employer because you have sold your time for money.
Passive - With passive income, you can have what you want in life. This is because there is no limit to your income.
Active - You can't have what you want because your expenditure depends on your budget/ salary which is being determined by those that bought your time.
Active - You can't have what you want because your expenditure depends on your budget/ salary which is being determined by those that bought your time.
Passive - You only think of freedom and more income.
Active - You think of job Security (are you really secure after retirement? maybe your pension will just go to your medication). You can't wait for your pension or gratuity, you must start something else today.
Active - You think of job Security (are you really secure after retirement? maybe your pension will just go to your medication). You can't wait for your pension or gratuity, you must start something else today.
Remember you attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to. Either wanted or unwanted. What you think is what you become.
Now tell me, is working for someone else all the rest of your life what you wish for yourself? You just have to open not only your eyes, but your mind as well to opportunities around you. You have to be smart. Nobody is against paid employment but you will be fooling yourself if you think that you can make all the money you need in life with your own efforts alone. You need efforts of others. Hard work does not guarantee your success. Smart work does.
I'M NOT SAYING THAT EMPLOYMENT IS BAD. I'M JUST SAYING THERE IS A BETTER WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO BE. There is more to life than sitting in a cubicle waiting for a call or paperwork. The real experience is outside the office.IF YOU WANT SALARY, I encourage you to be EMPLOYED.. BUT IF YOU WANT "INCOME" then put yourself on the other side of the quadrant and go to BUSINESS. Now this is it, if you are still in the left side of the quadrant, I'm sorry you are still running the rat race. Which side of the quadrant are you?
Think wisely.. You environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking. If you bring out positive vibes, you get positive results.
This is why you need to see what we are into in AIM GLOBAL. We have designed a system that will ensure you also leverage on the efforts of others. All you have to do is to partner with us and attend our trainings.
If you feel like you want to do this business with me either as a sideline, Part Time, or Full Time then be a part of my TEAM from all over the world. Let me Teach and Help You ONLINE . All you need is internet.
The Perfect time to START is TODAY! (Not Tomorrow, Not Next Week) But TODAY!!!
The Perfect time to START is TODAY! (Not Tomorrow, Not Next Week) But TODAY!!!
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