One of the main challenges faced by many network marketers is how to build a downline in network marketing. As a matter of fact 97% of network marketers are actually failing in MLM business.
The primary reason why so many people fail in MLM is because they are recruiting the wrong people.
However, building a downline for your multilevel marketing business is relatively easy if you have the right kind of people. What you need to do to be successful is align yourself with a reliable company and remain consistent with your promotions.
It is also good to learn from others who are successful. To succeed in your network marketing, there are critical activities that you must do and in this article we are going to cover tips on how to build a downline in network marketing.
MLM downline is a marketing strategy in which the sales force is compensated not only for sales they generate but also for the sales of other sales people they recruit. For example if Tom decides to join a multi-level marketing company, His sponsor is Jerry, Jerry signs him up and helps him to get started. On the other hand, Tom presents the business plan to Tony and Tony decides to join the company with Tom as his sponsor. In this example Tony joins Tom and Jerry downline. This process can continue on an infinite amount of levels and as you can see it’s actually not hard to build a big network downline if you use other people to duplicate yourself.
The first step in building a strong downline is by targeting the right kind of people who have been in MLM business before or business opportunity seekers who want to own home businesses. Search carefully both online and by the word of mouth and carefully identify people who share same dream as yours. This is a very important step because if you get it wrong, then chances of you succeeding is very small. It doesn’t matter how fantastic your plan is, if you don’t have the right type of people, it will be very difficult to be successful.
It is very important to have the right system in place to help get your new representative get started right away so that they can build a strong MLM downline and start being profitable. A good way to start could be by use of video or an audio that is handed over to them immediately when they enroll in your business. The main purpose of these video’s or audio tapes should be to help your new rep to get proper understanding of the basics of your business and what is required of them. In addition don’t leave them alone even after they have watched it and you are sure that have understood. Guide them on their first activity and continue until you’re sure that they fully understand the procedures of the business.
The power of duplication is what will help you build a strong downline which will keep you in business for long period of time. If you have the right system in place, it will be very easy for you to duplicate it across the team and everyone will be reading the same script at any given time. As I said earlier, the best way to create duplication in your team is by using a video that new representatives can immediately plug into. This will ensure that when new representatives join your business either 3 level deep or 7 level deep, each one of them would actually be going through the same process.
According to entrepreneur magazine, the best way to attract a new recruit is by keeping your marketing plan as simple as possible. Your new recruits will understand your business plan if you keep it simple. Work closely with your downline members as most of your growth will actually come from their efforts. Help your downline member build their own downline as this will help expand your business.
Lead by example. This means that you should buy and use the product that you sell. You cannot expect your recruits to believe in your product if you don’t believe in them. For instance, if your company specializes in Food Supplements just like mine, don’t buy from other company. Be a walking advertisement so that your downline can emulate you.
Encourage your downline to attend as many meeting and conventions as possible. Being in an atmosphere with other distributors will not only make them learn more but will also motivate them to set and keep goals. In addition these conventions showcase services and products which can help improve their sales. By building your immediate downline and those they sponsor, you will not only increase your income but the income of everyone involved.
The best way to mentor the downline in your group is by promoting business building tools that were helpful to you. Use the tools that help you succeed to mentor those below you to help them reach where you are. Business building tools are not only a good way to mentor the downline but also a good way boost their morale.
You can only build a strong downline if you show them that you really care. If they have any challenges, always be ready to listen and offer real solution that will benefit them. Showing that you care for the member of your downline can motivate them to continue working on growing their business because they actually enjoy working with you.
Building a powerful MLM business online can be simple if you are able to put the above mentioned tips into practice and teach your team to also do the same. It actually doesn’t matter what MLM company you are in, if you implement the above mentioned tips in your current business, you will build a successful network marketing business.
For those interested in network opportunities, and need help building downlines, you can contact me 08035747065. I am willing to help you get started.
Here we teach you how to be successful in AIM GLOBAL BUSINESS. You get to know more about the products, the business and the compensation plan!!!
Sunday, 31 July 2016
Amazing write-up
Rev Dr Chris Oyakhilome PhD.
You cannot CHANGE Yesterday, but you can do something TODAY that can change tomorrow!
It doesn't matter How you were BORN, that was yesterday.
It doesn't matter what happened last 5years, the last 10 years. You may not be able to change that.
But you can reposition yourself today.
You can make new decisions today, that will change what tomorrow will bring.
Refuse to be a Mental hobo!
Refuse to end your Life on the side walk!
I believe in your FUTURE!
There's a reason I believe in your future. I believe that if you hear these words, you will act on them and they change your future None of you was Born to be POOR!
You may have been poor BUT you were not Born to be poor!
You may have been brought up poor, BUT you were not brought up to be POOR!
Understand this The definition of ADULTHOOD is RESPONSIBILITY.
When you become an adult, you take
responsibility for your future.
Become Responsible!
What do you have in yourself?
There are many who cry for help and because there are no answers to their call for help, they feel the pangs and pains of neglect.
NO! Refuse to GIVE UP!
Believe in what God made, GOD MADE YOU and HE NEVER MADE a FAILURE. Believe that GOD has a PURPOSE for your LIFE.
You may have been born as a parental accident but you are not a DIVINE ACCIDENT. God knew you were coming and he made sufficient provisions for you!
There is a place for you in the world.
There are certain things You must do. There are things that are not in abundant supply, they are limited one is TIME.
Save TIME!
Save IT!
Keep TRACK of your TIME.
The Bible says for us to redeem the time for the days are evil.
YOU don't have extra time.
Life is not a GAME, therefore make everyday count! Improve yourself everyday! Introduce something into your Life that counts.
Become inspiring! Distinguish yourself with character with excellence! If you are a Musician be a musician with a difference! Become inspiring! Whatever you do, do it with excellence.
Put your best into what you do and change your World! Remember there is no Extra time. Whatever you do now, do it the Best way the FIRST TIME. Success is waiting for the man who says YES to SUCCESS!
SUCCESS is waiting for the man who plans for IT, who reaches out for IT!
Who says I will wake up and he wakes up, who says I will read this book and He does. Who says I will go to school and he goes. SUCCESS is waiting for the Man who makes a DECISION.
Time is Important!
Time is Important!
Change the Position, SAY to yourself I will be WATCHED. There are those who only think of designer perfume, designer clothes, designer shoes where are your own designs?
CHALLENGE yourself for the future!
There's room for you!
There's a place for you at the top!
Give yourself to a teacher.
Give yourself to a TUTOR.
Train yourself, train your MIND!
If you train your Mind, IT will be ready to deliver to you the right thoughts and ideas that will earn you COMMERCIAL VALUE. There is No poverty for the man, who has made an INVESTMENT in his MIND and his willing to ACT!
There's no hunger for the man who has trained his mind to think through every problem, to solve every problem. Train yourself, think through a problem, render solution and let men come to you for advice!
Decide to Be SMART!
Decide to Be a problem solver.
If you make that decision, that is what you will be. Problem solvers are in short supply in the world. There's a place for a man who decides to be excellent!
Distinguish yourself!
Engage yourself in national issues.
It is time to PUT your Best into what you do!
Be excellent!!!!
You cannot CHANGE Yesterday, but you can do something TODAY that can change tomorrow!
It doesn't matter How you were BORN, that was yesterday.
It doesn't matter what happened last 5years, the last 10 years. You may not be able to change that.
But you can reposition yourself today.
You can make new decisions today, that will change what tomorrow will bring.
Refuse to be a Mental hobo!
Refuse to end your Life on the side walk!
I believe in your FUTURE!
There's a reason I believe in your future. I believe that if you hear these words, you will act on them and they change your future None of you was Born to be POOR!
You may have been poor BUT you were not Born to be poor!
You may have been brought up poor, BUT you were not brought up to be POOR!
Understand this The definition of ADULTHOOD is RESPONSIBILITY.
When you become an adult, you take
responsibility for your future.
Become Responsible!
What do you have in yourself?
There are many who cry for help and because there are no answers to their call for help, they feel the pangs and pains of neglect.
NO! Refuse to GIVE UP!
Believe in what God made, GOD MADE YOU and HE NEVER MADE a FAILURE. Believe that GOD has a PURPOSE for your LIFE.
You may have been born as a parental accident but you are not a DIVINE ACCIDENT. God knew you were coming and he made sufficient provisions for you!
There is a place for you in the world.
There are certain things You must do. There are things that are not in abundant supply, they are limited one is TIME.
Save TIME!
Save IT!
Keep TRACK of your TIME.
The Bible says for us to redeem the time for the days are evil.
YOU don't have extra time.
Life is not a GAME, therefore make everyday count! Improve yourself everyday! Introduce something into your Life that counts.
Become inspiring! Distinguish yourself with character with excellence! If you are a Musician be a musician with a difference! Become inspiring! Whatever you do, do it with excellence.
Put your best into what you do and change your World! Remember there is no Extra time. Whatever you do now, do it the Best way the FIRST TIME. Success is waiting for the man who says YES to SUCCESS!
SUCCESS is waiting for the man who plans for IT, who reaches out for IT!
Who says I will wake up and he wakes up, who says I will read this book and He does. Who says I will go to school and he goes. SUCCESS is waiting for the Man who makes a DECISION.
Time is Important!
Time is Important!
Change the Position, SAY to yourself I will be WATCHED. There are those who only think of designer perfume, designer clothes, designer shoes where are your own designs?
CHALLENGE yourself for the future!
There's room for you!
There's a place for you at the top!
Give yourself to a teacher.
Give yourself to a TUTOR.
Train yourself, train your MIND!
If you train your Mind, IT will be ready to deliver to you the right thoughts and ideas that will earn you COMMERCIAL VALUE. There is No poverty for the man, who has made an INVESTMENT in his MIND and his willing to ACT!
There's no hunger for the man who has trained his mind to think through every problem, to solve every problem. Train yourself, think through a problem, render solution and let men come to you for advice!
Decide to Be SMART!
Decide to Be a problem solver.
If you make that decision, that is what you will be. Problem solvers are in short supply in the world. There's a place for a man who decides to be excellent!
Distinguish yourself!
Engage yourself in national issues.
It is time to PUT your Best into what you do!
Be excellent!!!!
It is true that if you want to hide something for lazy minds, put it in a book. But please if you desire to change your life, kindly read this to the end. Happy reading!!!!!
Network Marketing - It's an Asset, Not a Job
By Robert Kiyosaki
I am sometimes asked, "Why do so few people make it to the top of their network marketing system?"
The truth is, the top of the network marketing system is open to everyone-unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach the top of the company.The reason most people do not reach the top is simply because they quit too soon.
So why would someone quit short of the top? Most people join only to make money. If they don't make money in the first few months or years, they become discouraged and quit (and then often bad-mouth the industry!). Others quit and go looking for a company with a better compensation plan.
But joining to make a few quick dollars is not the reason to get into the business.
The Two Essential Reasons to Join a Network Marketing Business:
Reason number one is to help yourself. Reason number two is to help others.
If you join for only one of these two reasons, then the system will not work for you. Reason number one, means that you come to the business primarily to change quadrants-to change from the E: Employee or the S: Self-employed quadrant to the B: Business owner or I: Investor quadrant. This change is normally very difficult for most people because of money. The true E or S quadrant people will not work unless it is for money. This is also what causes people not reach the top of the network marketing system: they want money more than they want to change the quadrants.
A & B quadrant or I quadrant people will also work for money, but in a different way. The B quadrant people work to build or create an asset-in this case, a business system. The I quadrant people invest in the system. The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you don't really make much money unless you help others leave the E and S quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants. If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business.
As a B or an I quadrant, sometimes u don't get paid for years; this is what true E quadrant or S quadrant people will not do. It's not part of their core values. Risk and delayed gratification disturb them emotionally.
Delayed Gratification & Emotional Intelligence: One of the beauties of network marketing is that it focuses on developing ur emotional intelligence as well as ur business skills.
Emotional intelligence is an entirely different matter from academic intelligence. In general, someone with high emotional intelligence will often do better than someone with high academic intelligence but low emotional intelligence. That explains, in part, why some people do well in school but not so well in the real world. The ability of delay gratification is a sign of higher emotional intelligence. In a recent study of emotional intelligence, it was found that people with delay gratification often led more successful lives than those who are not. This is why the educational system inherent in a good network marketing opportunity is so important. It's the emotional education or emotional intelligence aspect of their programs that I find so valuable for people.
Many people write me and say they loved my book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but I fear that many of them don't get the most important point of the book: Lesson #1, "The rich don't work for money."
Once I have built or bought an asset, that asset works hard to make money for me. But I will not work for money - I will work only to build or buy assets. Those assets make me richer and richer, while I work less and less. That is what the rich do. The poor and middle class work hard for money, and then buy liabilities instead of investing in assets.
What Kind of Asset is a Network Marketing Business? Remember, there are two reasons required to be successful in network marketing: to help yourself, and to help others. Reason number one means helping yourself get to the B side of the quadrant.
What about reason number two? The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you don't really make much money unless you help others leave the E and S quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants. If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business, If you only want to teach yourself to be a B quadrant and I quadrant person, then a true network marketing system won't work for you. You may as well go to a traditional business school, which focuses only on you becoming a B quadrant person.
The beauty of a network marketing business is that your goal is to create assets, which are other B's working under u - and their job is to create other B's working under them. In traditional business, the focus is for the B to have only E's and S's working for them.
The type of business I was taught to build is a business with me at the top and E's and S's at the base. I really don't have room at the top for many other B's, which is why in my businesses, I strongly recommend that all my employees look into network marketing as their own part-time businesses. The traditional corporate system really is a pyramid, because there are a few B's and I's near the top, and more E's and S's at the base.
A network marketing system is a reverse pyramid: its primary focus is to bring up more and more B's to the top. One type of pyramid, the traditional type, has its base on the ground; the other type has its base in the air. It's a pyramid that pulls you up instead of pushing you down. A network marketing business gives everyone access to what used to be the domain only for the rich.
This passage is taken by permission from The Business School for People Who Like Helping People, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, with Sharon Lechter, CPA, authors of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
If you want a system that generates income even when you are not there, contact me on +2348035747065. I will be glad to open your eyes to this amazing system.
It is true that if you want to hide something for lazy minds, put it in a book. But please if you desire to change your life, kindly read this to the end. Happy reading!!!!!
Network Marketing - It's an Asset, Not a Job
By Robert Kiyosaki
I am sometimes asked, "Why do so few people make it to the top of their network marketing system?"
The truth is, the top of the network marketing system is open to everyone-unlike traditional corporate systems, which allow only one person to reach the top of the company.The reason most people do not reach the top is simply because they quit too soon.
So why would someone quit short of the top? Most people join only to make money. If they don't make money in the first few months or years, they become discouraged and quit (and then often bad-mouth the industry!). Others quit and go looking for a company with a better compensation plan.
But joining to make a few quick dollars is not the reason to get into the business.
The Two Essential Reasons to Join a Network Marketing Business:
Reason number one is to help yourself. Reason number two is to help others.
If you join for only one of these two reasons, then the system will not work for you. Reason number one, means that you come to the business primarily to change quadrants-to change from the E: Employee or the S: Self-employed quadrant to the B: Business owner or I: Investor quadrant. This change is normally very difficult for most people because of money. The true E or S quadrant people will not work unless it is for money. This is also what causes people not reach the top of the network marketing system: they want money more than they want to change the quadrants.
A & B quadrant or I quadrant people will also work for money, but in a different way. The B quadrant people work to build or create an asset-in this case, a business system. The I quadrant people invest in the system. The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you don't really make much money unless you help others leave the E and S quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants. If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business.
As a B or an I quadrant, sometimes u don't get paid for years; this is what true E quadrant or S quadrant people will not do. It's not part of their core values. Risk and delayed gratification disturb them emotionally.
Delayed Gratification & Emotional Intelligence: One of the beauties of network marketing is that it focuses on developing ur emotional intelligence as well as ur business skills.
Emotional intelligence is an entirely different matter from academic intelligence. In general, someone with high emotional intelligence will often do better than someone with high academic intelligence but low emotional intelligence. That explains, in part, why some people do well in school but not so well in the real world. The ability of delay gratification is a sign of higher emotional intelligence. In a recent study of emotional intelligence, it was found that people with delay gratification often led more successful lives than those who are not. This is why the educational system inherent in a good network marketing opportunity is so important. It's the emotional education or emotional intelligence aspect of their programs that I find so valuable for people.
Many people write me and say they loved my book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but I fear that many of them don't get the most important point of the book: Lesson #1, "The rich don't work for money."
Once I have built or bought an asset, that asset works hard to make money for me. But I will not work for money - I will work only to build or buy assets. Those assets make me richer and richer, while I work less and less. That is what the rich do. The poor and middle class work hard for money, and then buy liabilities instead of investing in assets.
What Kind of Asset is a Network Marketing Business? Remember, there are two reasons required to be successful in network marketing: to help yourself, and to help others. Reason number one means helping yourself get to the B side of the quadrant.
What about reason number two? The beauty of most network marketing systems is that you don't really make much money unless you help others leave the E and S quadrants and succeed in the B and I quadrants. If you focus on helping others make this shift, then you will be successful in the business, If you only want to teach yourself to be a B quadrant and I quadrant person, then a true network marketing system won't work for you. You may as well go to a traditional business school, which focuses only on you becoming a B quadrant person.
The beauty of a network marketing business is that your goal is to create assets, which are other B's working under u - and their job is to create other B's working under them. In traditional business, the focus is for the B to have only E's and S's working for them.
The type of business I was taught to build is a business with me at the top and E's and S's at the base. I really don't have room at the top for many other B's, which is why in my businesses, I strongly recommend that all my employees look into network marketing as their own part-time businesses. The traditional corporate system really is a pyramid, because there are a few B's and I's near the top, and more E's and S's at the base.
A network marketing system is a reverse pyramid: its primary focus is to bring up more and more B's to the top. One type of pyramid, the traditional type, has its base on the ground; the other type has its base in the air. It's a pyramid that pulls you up instead of pushing you down. A network marketing business gives everyone access to what used to be the domain only for the rich.
This passage is taken by permission from The Business School for People Who Like Helping People, by Robert T. Kiyosaki, with Sharon Lechter, CPA, authors of Rich Dad, Poor Dad.
If you want a system that generates income even when you are not there, contact me on +2348035747065. I will be glad to open your eyes to this amazing system.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
Abnormal Cellular Growth
Tumors and cancers are different. A tumor develops when a lesion or lump is formed in your body due to abnormal cellular growth. In the case of cancer, this cellular growth is uncontrollable and it spreads in the body. Both can be detected with an MRI scan.
Not all tumors are cancerous
It is important to understand that not all tumors are cancerous. There are benign tumors where the growth is limited to certain part of the body. A tumor becomes cancer when it is malignant. This means that the primary growth can generate several secondary growths thus invading vital parts of your body and spreading everywhere.
Just as all tumors are not cancerous, all cancer cases are also not characterized by tumor growth. For example, in case of blood cancer, there is no tumor involved. However, on appearance of a tumor, biopsy becomes very important to determine if its growth is malignant or benign.
A tumor may or may not develop into cancer. Cancer on the other hand is a malignant condition in which the spread of abnormal cellular growth could become uncontrollable.
Treatment of Tumors vs. Cancer
Medication and treatment prescribed for tumors and cancer may be different.
Not all tumors are life-threatening. Even if a tumor is benign, doctors may recommend surgically removing it. Depending upon the location and size of the tumor, this surgery can be comparatively easy or it may take the patient months to heal.
Treatment options for cancer include surgery (surgically removing cancerous tissue), chemotherapy (using powerful chemicals to kill rapidly growing cancer cells), and radiation therapy (using high energy radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA). Gene therapy is also being explored, which involves using DNA as a pharmaceutical agent to treat disease.
To help kill Cancer Cells take C24/7 everyday!
Tumors and cancers are different. A tumor develops when a lesion or lump is formed in your body due to abnormal cellular growth. In the case of cancer, this cellular growth is uncontrollable and it spreads in the body. Both can be detected with an MRI scan.
Not all tumors are cancerous
It is important to understand that not all tumors are cancerous. There are benign tumors where the growth is limited to certain part of the body. A tumor becomes cancer when it is malignant. This means that the primary growth can generate several secondary growths thus invading vital parts of your body and spreading everywhere.
Just as all tumors are not cancerous, all cancer cases are also not characterized by tumor growth. For example, in case of blood cancer, there is no tumor involved. However, on appearance of a tumor, biopsy becomes very important to determine if its growth is malignant or benign.
A tumor may or may not develop into cancer. Cancer on the other hand is a malignant condition in which the spread of abnormal cellular growth could become uncontrollable.
Treatment of Tumors vs. Cancer
Medication and treatment prescribed for tumors and cancer may be different.
Not all tumors are life-threatening. Even if a tumor is benign, doctors may recommend surgically removing it. Depending upon the location and size of the tumor, this surgery can be comparatively easy or it may take the patient months to heal.
Treatment options for cancer include surgery (surgically removing cancerous tissue), chemotherapy (using powerful chemicals to kill rapidly growing cancer cells), and radiation therapy (using high energy radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells by damaging their DNA). Gene therapy is also being explored, which involves using DNA as a pharmaceutical agent to treat disease.
To help kill Cancer Cells take C24/7 everyday!
*Good Day Friends and Family Members*
*"It's entirely an ERROR, USELESS and WASTEFUL to be so Intelligent, Knowledgeable, Talented, Charismatic and Educated with 1st, 2nd and even 3rd degrees, yet your BANK ACCOUNT is Dormant and in Red"*
*Some people prefer to patiently search for jobs for 2, 3, 4 up to 5 years, and they see nothing wrong with that.*
*And this category of people see starting up a business of their own as a difficult task. These people prefer to work for 25 to 35 years, and retired broke and wretched.*
*But I prefer to do the difficult task and walk strenuous journey for as long as it gives me great financial results that will usher me into my FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH instead of doing the easy things that will earn me FINANCIAL BONDAGE.*
*The road to becoming RICH is HARD; being in a state of poverty is HARD too. So choose your HARD?*
There's one *P.O.O.R* that leads to being *POOR* for life, and that is analysed below.
But for those of you that would like to be like me earning great and constant income that's not under any threat from any quarter because I chose to partner with a multi-bilion dollar international organisation that pays on a daily basis, and that company is AimGlobal Incorporated, feel free to call / whatsapp me via +2348035747065, and I would be more than delighted to show and teach you the process that has given me 5 figures income on a monthly basis. What are you waiting for? Call me now!!!
*"It's entirely an ERROR, USELESS and WASTEFUL to be so Intelligent, Knowledgeable, Talented, Charismatic and Educated with 1st, 2nd and even 3rd degrees, yet your BANK ACCOUNT is Dormant and in Red"*
*Some people prefer to patiently search for jobs for 2, 3, 4 up to 5 years, and they see nothing wrong with that.*
*And this category of people see starting up a business of their own as a difficult task. These people prefer to work for 25 to 35 years, and retired broke and wretched.*
*But I prefer to do the difficult task and walk strenuous journey for as long as it gives me great financial results that will usher me into my FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGH instead of doing the easy things that will earn me FINANCIAL BONDAGE.*
*The road to becoming RICH is HARD; being in a state of poverty is HARD too. So choose your HARD?*
There's one *P.O.O.R* that leads to being *POOR* for life, and that is analysed below.
But for those of you that would like to be like me earning great and constant income that's not under any threat from any quarter because I chose to partner with a multi-bilion dollar international organisation that pays on a daily basis, and that company is AimGlobal Incorporated, feel free to call / whatsapp me via +2348035747065, and I would be more than delighted to show and teach you the process that has given me 5 figures income on a monthly basis. What are you waiting for? Call me now!!!
Saturday, 23 July 2016
It is not failure or rejection that hurts you or holds you back, it's the fear of failure or rejection. It's the anticipation of fear of failure or rejection that paralyzes or hold you back from doing what you need to do in the first place. Here is what I learned as a sales person "everyone is afraid and the difference between the hero and a coward is that the hero is brave just a couple of minutes longer. Everyone you meet is afraid of fear of failure and rejection but the brave person confront the fear and does it anyway. The average person on the other hand moves away from the fear, backs away from the fear and avoids the fear causing situation. If you do not do the things you fear, then the fear controls your life. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that his entire life was changed when he read the words "if you would be a success in life, make it habit throughout your life to do the things that you fear" He went on to say that when you do the things that you fear, the death of fear is certain. Here is the most powerful words you can use to overcome your fears of failure and rejection "just say to yourself over and over again when ever you start to become nervous or anxious about anything that I can do it I can do it I can do it and here is the good news, the more you repeat the words that you can do it the lower are your fears and the higher is your self-confidence and self-esteem.
Sales has often been called a transfer of enthusiasm. The more enthusiastic and convinced you are about what you are selling, the more contagious this enthusiasm is and the more your customers pick you products.
Be part of our team at AIM GLOBAL and turn your sales ability around positively.
Sales has often been called a transfer of enthusiasm. The more enthusiastic and convinced you are about what you are selling, the more contagious this enthusiasm is and the more your customers pick you products.
Be part of our team at AIM GLOBAL and turn your sales ability around positively.
Thursday, 21 July 2016
Many people have this skepticism about the Industry NETWORK MARKETING also known as MLM or Home Based business and by so doing they confuse it to a PYRAMID SCHEME.
Now the question is why is this so? And the answer is simple - Because they have decided to remain ignorant to point out the difference. They have decided not to do their due diligence by researching via the web to be properly informed.
So if one has decided to give network marketing a try, the next step is to choose the best company to work with by doing your due diligence, research and be properly informed.
Most people ignore one or more of the 5 critical keys in choosing a network marketing company or opportunity and ask themselves why they have failed to make profits or achieve financial freedom.
You may be inclined to join the next company that comes along introduced by someone close to you but I strongly suggest that YOU MAKE YOUR OWN RESEARCH BEFORE you get involved to save you time, money, and possible disappointment.
Basically here are the top 5 things to look for in a network marketing company:
Although it’s true that you create your own success, it makes perfect sense to work with a company that will still be around after you’ve built a huge group and invested multiple heads, right?
See if the company you’re joining is; (a) financially stable and has been around for some time. I’d say at least 5 years so your group-building efforts will not go unrewarded.
Too many network marketing companies in the World have come and gone over the years. Aren’t you wondering why? One reason may be due to legal problems (because they’re illegal!?) and another reason may be the owners just couldn’t keep the business running, just like traditional businesses.
A high percentage of network marketing companies fold up within the first 5 years. You don’t want to be in those distributors’ positions when that happens.
I would also look into the;
(b) experience of the owners and management team.
Who are they? What’s their mission? Are they people with INTEGRITY? What’s their track record, past experience?
Look into the heart of the company if it’s really interested in educating YOU to be a business leader and not just another recruiter. It will take more than listening to a 2-hour sales pitch and looking at brochures. You have to get off your couch and attend training functions and events to get to know the leaders.
(c) check also if the company has international or global presence. Even though you have no plans of going international today, you cannot control the growth of your network in the future.
If your downline pursues a career abroad, for example, he/she can still continue the business IF your network marketing company has an office in that other country.
In the above explanation, I give AIM GLOBAL, 100 percent pass mark.
Compensation plans vary from one network marketing company to another. Review the compensation plan and make sure that you are comfortable with how company pays out their commissions. Commissions must be paid on the sale of products, not on membership fees.
A good question to ask yourself would be, “Can I still make money if my network just consumes the products and does not recruit anybody?” Answer should be “YES;” otherwise, run away as fast as you can!
Again, AIM global marketing plan is second to none.
Products must be of value but not overpriced and preferably with a money-back guarantee.
Are the products consumable? Since the business is about long-lasting residual income, the products have to be consumable and of high quality. This leads to repeat purchases by customers, month after month and year after year. It’s not just about making a big one-time sale or commission.
Check also if the products are patented and exclusive to the company. There are very good imitators out there. You don’t want to see your products displayed at department stores or at any point, do you?
Consumers MUST also have a compelling reason to buy from your network marketing company, not just to participate in the money-making plan. For example, ask yourself, “Do people need to buy phone cards from me without joining the compensation plan?” Answer would be “No,” because people can buy the same phone cards in stores.
If product being sold has no real VALUE and/or is overpriced, the company is more likely a pyramiding scheme, wolves in sheep’s clothing so to speak. Beware!
Needless to say, you have to use the products. These should be products that you are comfortable sharing with close friends and family.
Once more I will like to state categorically that AIM GLOBAL products are fantastic products and they are not overpriced.
This is my favorite part in network marketing – free education!
ROBERT KIYOSAKI wrote in his book The Business School that the number one hidden value of network marketing is the life-changing business education.
Unlike in formal business schools where instructors do not necessarily have businesses of their own, network marketing is the best free business school where trainers actually talk of their real-life experience.
Network marketing leaders teach success attitudes, leadership, people skills, overcoming fears, goal-setting, communication skills, money skills, and the like.
See if your prospective company provides network marketing training for members or you might be left out in the cold.
AIM global does this better I must confess.
Last but not least, you are going to want to check into the marketing system of the company or group that you are joining. This is VERY important.
You may be surprised to know that one of the fastest ways to fail at network marketing is to try to recruit your friends and family. Why? Didn’t you notice that most network marketers quit after talking to their best friends and family?
Despite the attrition due to this, recruiting friends and family is still the main marketing tactic taught by most network marketers World wide.
There is a much better and more FUN way to attract people who are already looking for what you have to offer. Thanks to the Internet, network marketing is much easier than it used to be.
If your company is nationwide or worldwide, then your market is really big. You can reach this very wide audience ONLY if you’re using the Internet. Check to see if your company is adjusting with different marketing trends in the network marketing business.
And finally this is where AIM GLOBAL marketing system is the best. The company recently launched AIMWORLD, the online version of AIM GLOBAL. We are present in more than 20 countries.
Use ALL 5 key areas objectively to evaluate a network marketing company or opportunity you’re about to join (or are already involved with). These will greatly enhance your chances for long-term success. If you ignore any one of them, you may just be asking for trouble.(coined from THE PINNOY BUSINESS with ANNETTE)
In case you wish to join our opportunity, please feel free to contact me on +2348035747065. Kindly drop your comments.
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Eczema The term eczema is derived from the Greek, meaning "to boil out." The name is particularly apt since to ancient medical practitioners it may have appeared that the skin was "boiling."
Today the usage is rather imprecise since it is frequently used to describe any sort of dermatitis (inflammatory skin condition).
Not all dermatitis is eczematous. All eczematous dermatitis has a similar appearance. Acute lesions are composed of many small fluid-filled structures called vesicles that usually reside on red, swollen skin.
When these vesicles break, fluid leaks out, causing characteristic weeping and oozing. When the fluid dries, it produces a thin crust. In older lesions, these vesicles may be harder to appreciate, but an examination of the tissue under the microscope will reveal their presence.
Eczematous dermatitis has many causes. One of the most common is a condition called atopic dermatitis. Often those using the term eczema are referring to atopic dermatitis.
Although atopy refers to a lifelong inherited (genetic) predisposition to inhalant allergies such as asthma and allergic rhinitis (hay fever), atopic dermatitis is not an allergic disease.
Atopic patients are likely to have asthma, hay fever, and dermatitis. Atopy is a very common condition, and it affects all races and ages, including infants.
About 1% to 2% of adults have the skin rash, and it is even more common in children.
Most affected individuals have their first episode before 5 years of age. For most, the dermatitis will improve with time. For an unlucky few, atopic dermatitis is a chronic, recurrent disorder.
Other eczematous dermatoses include, but are not limited to, allergic contact dermatitis (cell-mediated allergy to a common substance such as poison oak or nickel), irritant dermatitis (from excessive contact with a harsh chemical substance), fungal infections, scabies infestations, stasis dermatitis, very dry skin (asteatosis), pompholyx (dyshidrosis), nummular dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.
The differentiation among these conditions is often difficult and time-consuming. In addition, it is not uncommon for atopic dermatitis to coexist with another eczematous dermatitis.
Eczema Causes It is generally agreed that the tendency to atopy is genetically inherited.
For the purposes of this discussion the term eczema and atopic dermatitis will be synonymous. Individuals with atopic dermatitis have a variety of abnormal
immunologic findings like elevated IgE antibody (immunoglobulin E)levels and defective cell-mediated immunity which causes difficulty in fighting off certain viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.
Like most other noninfectious diseases, atopic skin disease can be triggered by environmental factors.
One of the hallmarks of atopic dermatitis is excessive skin dryness, which seems to be due a lack of certain skin proteins.
Any factor that promotes dryness is likely to exacerbate atopic dermatitis. Common triggers of atopic dermatitis include the following:
*Harsh soaps and detergents Solvents
*Low humidity Lotions Rough wool clothing Sweating *Occlusive rubber or plastic gloves Rubbing *Staphylococcal bacteria Repeated wetting and drying of the skin (food handling)
Eczema Treatment Treatment for eczema can be managed at home by changing laundry detergents or soaps that may be causing the irritant.
Avoid tight-fitting or rough clothing. Avoid scratching the affected area
taking omega 3,6,9 supplement can be beneficial, as many with eczema have a fatty acids deficiency.. Vitamins C,D and E are antioxidants that also produce great benefits...
C24/7 can cure Eczema. It contains 29 Vitamins and Minerals/Trace Minerals 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend 12 Whole Vegatable Juice Blend 12 Mushrooms, 12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients 12 Digestive Enzymes 10 Essential Fatty Acids 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend, 18 Amino Acids Choleduz omega 3,6,9
Eczema The term eczema is derived from the Greek, meaning "to boil out." The name is particularly apt since to ancient medical practitioners it may have appeared that the skin was "boiling."
Today the usage is rather imprecise since it is frequently used to describe any sort of dermatitis (inflammatory skin condition).
Not all dermatitis is eczematous. All eczematous dermatitis has a similar appearance. Acute lesions are composed of many small fluid-filled structures called vesicles that usually reside on red, swollen skin.
When these vesicles break, fluid leaks out, causing characteristic weeping and oozing. When the fluid dries, it produces a thin crust. In older lesions, these vesicles may be harder to appreciate, but an examination of the tissue under the microscope will reveal their presence.
Eczematous dermatitis has many causes. One of the most common is a condition called atopic dermatitis. Often those using the term eczema are referring to atopic dermatitis.
Although atopy refers to a lifelong inherited (genetic) predisposition to inhalant allergies such as asthma and allergic rhinitis (hay fever), atopic dermatitis is not an allergic disease.
Atopic patients are likely to have asthma, hay fever, and dermatitis. Atopy is a very common condition, and it affects all races and ages, including infants.
About 1% to 2% of adults have the skin rash, and it is even more common in children.
Most affected individuals have their first episode before 5 years of age. For most, the dermatitis will improve with time. For an unlucky few, atopic dermatitis is a chronic, recurrent disorder.
Other eczematous dermatoses include, but are not limited to, allergic contact dermatitis (cell-mediated allergy to a common substance such as poison oak or nickel), irritant dermatitis (from excessive contact with a harsh chemical substance), fungal infections, scabies infestations, stasis dermatitis, very dry skin (asteatosis), pompholyx (dyshidrosis), nummular dermatitis, and seborrheic dermatitis.
The differentiation among these conditions is often difficult and time-consuming. In addition, it is not uncommon for atopic dermatitis to coexist with another eczematous dermatitis.
Eczema Causes It is generally agreed that the tendency to atopy is genetically inherited.
For the purposes of this discussion the term eczema and atopic dermatitis will be synonymous. Individuals with atopic dermatitis have a variety of abnormal
immunologic findings like elevated IgE antibody (immunoglobulin E)levels and defective cell-mediated immunity which causes difficulty in fighting off certain viral, bacterial, and fungal infections.
Like most other noninfectious diseases, atopic skin disease can be triggered by environmental factors.
One of the hallmarks of atopic dermatitis is excessive skin dryness, which seems to be due a lack of certain skin proteins.
Any factor that promotes dryness is likely to exacerbate atopic dermatitis. Common triggers of atopic dermatitis include the following:
*Harsh soaps and detergents Solvents
*Low humidity Lotions Rough wool clothing Sweating *Occlusive rubber or plastic gloves Rubbing *Staphylococcal bacteria Repeated wetting and drying of the skin (food handling)
Eczema Treatment Treatment for eczema can be managed at home by changing laundry detergents or soaps that may be causing the irritant.
Avoid tight-fitting or rough clothing. Avoid scratching the affected area
taking omega 3,6,9 supplement can be beneficial, as many with eczema have a fatty acids deficiency.. Vitamins C,D and E are antioxidants that also produce great benefits...
C24/7 can cure Eczema. It contains 29 Vitamins and Minerals/Trace Minerals 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend 12 Whole Vegatable Juice Blend 12 Mushrooms, 12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients 12 Digestive Enzymes 10 Essential Fatty Acids 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend, 18 Amino Acids Choleduz omega 3,6,9
Humans can turn nothing into something, pennies into fortune and disaster into success. And the reason they can do such remarkable things is because they are remarkable. Try reaching down inside of yourself; you'll come up with some more of those remarkable human gifts. They're there, waiting to be discovered and employed.
With those gifts, you can change anything for yourself that you wish to change. And I challenge you to do that because you can change. If you don't like how something is going for you, change it. If something isn't enough, change it. If something doesn't suit you, change it. If something doesn't please you, change it. If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. You don't ever have to be the same after today.
If there is one thing to get excited about, it's your ability to make yourself do the necessary things, to get a desired result, to turn the negative into success. And that’s remarkable.
With those gifts, you can change anything for yourself that you wish to change. And I challenge you to do that because you can change. If you don't like how something is going for you, change it. If something isn't enough, change it. If something doesn't suit you, change it. If something doesn't please you, change it. If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. You don't ever have to be the same after today.
If there is one thing to get excited about, it's your ability to make yourself do the necessary things, to get a desired result, to turn the negative into success. And that’s remarkable.
Monday, 11 July 2016
and more......
C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals contains the highest level of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phyto-nutrients in one product.
*Promotes longevity
*Lowers cholesterol level
* Protect against heart disease and complications
* Helps prevent cancer of any origin
* Controls blood sugar
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*Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis
* Enhanced Nourishes, strengthens and balance the immune system
*Increase the production of inherent glutathione in our body
* Rejuvenates the skin
* Regenerates liver cells
*Promotes healthy blood circulation
*Detoxifies the body
* Reduces fatigue,depression and anxiety
*Enhanced sexual vitality.
For more info/orders please call +2348035747065
and more......
C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals contains the highest level of anti-oxidants with approximately 22,000 phyto-nutrients in one product.
*Promotes longevity
*Lowers cholesterol level
* Protect against heart disease and complications
* Helps prevent cancer of any origin
* Controls blood sugar
* Enhanced and balance the metabolism
*Prevents degenerative diseases like arthritis
* Enhanced Nourishes, strengthens and balance the immune system
*Increase the production of inherent glutathione in our body
* Rejuvenates the skin
* Regenerates liver cells
*Promotes healthy blood circulation
*Detoxifies the body
* Reduces fatigue,depression and anxiety
*Enhanced sexual vitality.
For more info/orders please call +2348035747065
Sunday, 10 July 2016
Why in MLM Business Beginners Fail?
Or Why MLM Network Marketing Beginner Will Succeed, just Doing the Opposite of those who Fail.In MLM Business, it is the Network Marketing Beginner that fails. The reason for the failure: Giving up too soon. Those who persist long enough eventually succeed. How long enough? Not measured in amount of time but in amount of effort.
Are you on the verge of giving up? Why staying longer will eventually yield success. The classic example of staying power and phenomenal success is Colonel Sanders. He is founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Legend says it took him 1,009 rejection before finding partner & investor for his chicken recipe.
But the more important thing is to learn why people give up and avoid these errors. Here are the reasons:
1. MLM Beginners Have False Expectations
They see MLM business as easy money; more income with less work or no work. They have wrong perception of what it takes to succeed in network marketing. Oftentimes you’ll hear “all you just need to do is invite as many people as you can. You find a few leaders or a few persons good in sales”. The answer to this is to be aware of The Promise and Reality of Network Marketing. Realize that it takes effort and dedication to achieve even modest result whether you do it part-time or full time. You need to be ready and willing to do what it takes to succeed.
2. MLM Beginners Lack Preparation
Upon gaining membership, newbie immediately start inviting friends, relatives and acquaintances to the business opportunity without thenecessary mindset and skills training. This results to rejections and eventual discouragement. To avoid this, you need to first avail of all the company’s training for new distributors. Attend actual seminars/workshops or online video training. Very early in the game, know that continuous attention to personal development and skills training is not an option but a must do essential.
3. MLM Beginners Lack Continuous Activity
Most new networkers start inviting or presenting their business to a few family members and friends. When most reject or give alibi reply, they get discourage and do not move on. They failed to grasp that networking is a numbers game. They need to be reaching out to as many on a daily or regular basis. They also need to learn how to go beyond their comfort zone. Without strategic and consistent activity no result is achieved; and when no income is coming one easily lull into inactivity and eventually give up. To overcome this you need to know what strategic actions you need to do initially and on a consistent way. This involves making plans and working on your plans which means translating them into daily routine of goal oriented activities.
4. MLM Beginners Fail to Overcome Fear
Fear is not altogether wrong. It is a natural emotion, part of our survival instinct to protect us from possible physical dangers. But it is also a psychological defense mechanism which often times is unreasonable or without basis. It comes from past experiences and programming that can even be traced to one’s childhood. Fear can manifest in various ways – fear of rejection, fear of others’ opinion, fear of making mistakes, fear of failure, fear of unknown and even fear of success. Fear in general is an emotion which result from wrong thinking. It can be remedied by correcting the wrong or unreasonable perception of reality.
Tony Robbins, world renowned transformational expert teaches the need to understand fear as a dynamic of physiology and language. Fear needs to be managed through making immediate shift and refocusing. In practice it means changing bodily posture and movement and verbal description of the situation that caused fear. Then you focus towards positive direction and confident action. Mere changing one’s hunched posture to being upright immediately changes emotion. Looking for and expressing more positive perspective about a situation changes emotion towards something positive. Once this positive emotion is experienced, you then use it to empower you to act or do the very thing you are afraid of.
Tim Sales, a retired MLM millionaire and top MLM teacher/trainor, teaches that MLM fears can be overcome through development and employment of skills he summarized in 3 words: certainty, discipline and reach. Learn through discipline and practice the very skill/activity you are afraid of. Do it continuously till you become certain that you can do it with confidence. You then reach out and actually do it with confidence and expertise. Eventually you overcome for good your fear.
Tony Robbins, world renowned transformational expert teaches the need to understand fear as a dynamic of physiology and language. Fear needs to be managed through making immediate shift and refocusing. In practice it means changing bodily posture and movement and verbal description of the situation that caused fear. Then you focus towards positive direction and confident action. Mere changing one’s hunched posture to being upright immediately changes emotion. Looking for and expressing more positive perspective about a situation changes emotion towards something positive. Once this positive emotion is experienced, you then use it to empower you to act or do the very thing you are afraid of.
Tim Sales, a retired MLM millionaire and top MLM teacher/trainor, teaches that MLM fears can be overcome through development and employment of skills he summarized in 3 words: certainty, discipline and reach. Learn through discipline and practice the very skill/activity you are afraid of. Do it continuously till you become certain that you can do it with confidence. You then reach out and actually do it with confidence and expertise. Eventually you overcome for good your fear.
5. MLM Beginners Lack Motivation
Most beginners start off with weak or shallow reason for joining MLM business. This translates into “just to earn a few bucks or an extra income” and “doing the business if there is time”. Their activity involve sharing the business or the products only to a few friends, relatives and acquaintances. They have no real intention to make a big difference in their life or future. Others are contented with what income they are already receiving from their jobs or business. Without a compelling reason, urgency, strong need or desire for a clearly imagined and exciting goal that grab your heart, you will become lukewarm, lazy and inactive. To develop strong motivation, you need to search your heart and ask what you truly want. Ask what is the deep need and reason why you join or want to join the MLM business. You need to identify your clear and compelling reason for wanting to achieve those desires. Describe clearly and vividly what it’s like when you achieved them. Write them down for regular even daily review. You can add a negative motivation, imagining what it’s like if you’ll never achieve them at all and the negative consequence of not achieving them. This should spur you to dedicated commitment towards achieving them.
6. MLM Beginners Lack Belief
There are those who join network marketing influenced strongly by the promise of lucrative income and enthusiasm. Their sponsors and exposure to group aura moved them to join but they have not developed personal conviction or belief about either the industry, network marketing and the company’s products or opportunity. They thus operate with half-empty power. The attitude is “yes, but . . . ” and thus constantly driving in low gear. This is aggravated by low self-belief and low confidence in one’s self. The first set of low belief can be remedied by educating oneself on the merits and advantages of the industry, network marketing and the company’s products or opportunity. Lack of personal belief is remedied by training, reading resources and viewing videos from motivational experts, successful mentors and using self-programming created by experts in the field.
7. MLM Beginners Have Negative Attitude
Negative attitude is a habit of mind that focuses on the unwanted aspect of anything and any situation, whether real or imagined. It habitually manifests in one’s mental preoccupation, verbal expression, facial expression and bodily posture and language. The way you recognize negative attitude is the negative feeling you experience when you maintain or express a particular attitude. The way to overcome it is by making a mind shift; refocusing or reinterpreting the situation towards something you should be grateful for or uplifting to the heart. No one has expressed this more clearly and eloquently as in one of the letters of the apostle Paul:
Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8 (RSV).
8. MLM Beginners Lack Ownership
This is manifested in an attitude of waiting for outside factors to make things happen in one’s business. They depend on other people (upline or sponsor or team mates) or other outside factors to grow their business . This attitude results from either false promises, misunderstood terms of agreement when joining and even outright deception by recruiter who is only after the commission. While network marketing is a “people helping people business” and “leveraging on the work of many others” it is in no way other people building for you. To move away from this illusion, you need to be and see yourself as business owner, one who is primarily responsible for the growth and success of your business. It is having a take charge posture and having a “can do whatever it takes” attitude. It is taking personal responsibility for whatever outcome you want for your business. It involves in the first place self-leadership. And from your vantage point as head of your own group members (or would be group members), you are a leader by default. And when you have the power of belief working in you there’s no reason why you can not be made into the leader you are meant to be. That is the implication of your decision to join network marketing company.
Honestly evaluate yourself or your MLM members from the above list of causes of MLM failure. Inspire yourself to take action on the measures recommended. You can be exempted from the statistic of those who quit like a bud that wilted and fall even before it has bloomed. Better yet, you and your members will be counted among those who have achieved. And you will be enjoying your wildest dreams realized and personally knowing that indeed dreams are meant to come true.
If you have anemia, your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. The most common cause of anemia is not having enough iron. Your body needs iron to make hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein that gives the red color to blood. It carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
Your iron might be too low because of
Heavy periods
Colon polyps or colon cancer
Inherited disorders
A diet that does not have enough iron, folic acid or vitamin B 12
Blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, or cancer
Aplastic anemia, a condition that can be inherited or acquired
Anemia can make you feel weak, cold, dizzy and irritable. It is confirmed with a blood test. Treatment depends on the kind of anemia you have...
Take C24/7 everyday
Contact me on +2348035747065 to get this product delivered to your house.
Your iron might be too low because of
Heavy periods
Colon polyps or colon cancer
Inherited disorders
A diet that does not have enough iron, folic acid or vitamin B 12
Blood disorders such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, or cancer
Aplastic anemia, a condition that can be inherited or acquired
Anemia can make you feel weak, cold, dizzy and irritable. It is confirmed with a blood test. Treatment depends on the kind of anemia you have...
Take C24/7 everyday
Contact me on +2348035747065 to get this product delivered to your house.
Saturday, 9 July 2016
* You can purchase up to 7 business centers to start your business immediately. There is no time frame to purchase all 7 accounts!
* Cutting edge products!
* Life changing products!
* Integrity based products!
* Products manufactured in America!
* Distributors come 1st!
* Best compensation plan (6 powerful ways to get paid)!
* No Monthly Product Purchase To Succeed! (No Mandatory Auto-Ship)!
* Company gives you FREE Products each time you earn 22,800 Naira in your Binary!
* Residual income to level 10 of your organization!
* Binary points stays without Product monthly purchase!
* You are required to only have one personal sign up to qualify for commission!
* No time frame for Qualification!
* Only Three Titles ( Silver Executive, Gold Executive. Global Ambassador)!
* Qualification can be through your personal efforts or through Group Efforts (No 40% from this Leg, 20% from that Leg. 10% from other leg)!
* No running around month end trying to purchase VOLUME to qualify for NOTHING!
* No headache, no pressure, no forced sales, no games and no deceit!
* First class management team!
* First class training!
* Work fast or slow with no punishment!
* World Wide Business Opportunity!
* We have what you have been looking for. Time to take your position!
* If we are not in your country yet, stay tuned, we are coming! Power !! For those that have ears let them listen. Things are fast changing from what they used to be. Therefore, a wise person will have another look at this new opportunity. You have tried your present single income source and you are still not up to your responsibility. Why not try this one and see if what we are saying is true or not true. You are the architect of your own future. Don't let other people design it for you. Be in charge of your own destiny. Contact me right away on +2348035747065. Open up your mind and let me lead you on how to be successful in AIM GLOBAL BUSINESS using our unique system.
* You can purchase up to 7 business centers to start your business immediately. There is no time frame to purchase all 7 accounts!
* Cutting edge products!
* Life changing products!
* Integrity based products!
* Products manufactured in America!
* Distributors come 1st!
* Best compensation plan (6 powerful ways to get paid)!
* No Monthly Product Purchase To Succeed! (No Mandatory Auto-Ship)!
* Company gives you FREE Products each time you earn 22,800 Naira in your Binary!
* Residual income to level 10 of your organization!
* Binary points stays without Product monthly purchase!
* You are required to only have one personal sign up to qualify for commission!
* No time frame for Qualification!
* Only Three Titles ( Silver Executive, Gold Executive. Global Ambassador)!
* Qualification can be through your personal efforts or through Group Efforts (No 40% from this Leg, 20% from that Leg. 10% from other leg)!
* No running around month end trying to purchase VOLUME to qualify for NOTHING!
* No headache, no pressure, no forced sales, no games and no deceit!
* First class management team!
* First class training!
* Work fast or slow with no punishment!
* World Wide Business Opportunity!
* We have what you have been looking for. Time to take your position!
* If we are not in your country yet, stay tuned, we are coming! Power !! For those that have ears let them listen. Things are fast changing from what they used to be. Therefore, a wise person will have another look at this new opportunity. You have tried your present single income source and you are still not up to your responsibility. Why not try this one and see if what we are saying is true or not true. You are the architect of your own future. Don't let other people design it for you. Be in charge of your own destiny. Contact me right away on +2348035747065. Open up your mind and let me lead you on how to be successful in AIM GLOBAL BUSINESS using our unique system.
Friday, 8 July 2016
Her story all started when an AIM global partner message her through Facebook saying: do you want to earn extra income? She was only 21 yrs old that time, a graduating student, and considering the current economic crisis after she graduated, she's very open for any opportunities that come her way. She hurriredly replied him “how?”. They met at greenwich where he presented the business and the potential income to her, she fell in love with the opportunity! Especially when the presenter made her realized everything about the reality of life and how the business can transform her life positively.
Here comes the membership fee!!! She did not let the opinion of others affect her decision! She focused on what she wants and do exactly what she was asked to do.
Finally, she is now an official member of AIM GLOBAL, first few months, she was doing the business wholeheartedly. Her priority list is always Aim Global! She invested in knowledge, attended all the trainings of the company, she always take responsibility, she does her own presentations, she went town to town , province to province, city to city, region to region just to expand her business. She stepped out of her comfort zone. And today, she's successful in the business. She always ask the right questions to the right and credible people which lead her to the easy and right path.
This is what happened to her when she gave her 100% submission to her business
11 months-----1st car
1st year----------1st Million Dollar
Travel Incentives Qualifier
• Asian Cruise
• 3x Hk trip qualifier
• 2x Singapore Qualifier
• Personal Travels to Maldives, and other Asian countries
2nd Car Montero sport (CASH)
Renovation of my Parents House
On going construction of my 1st house and lot more as well as the comfort and lifestyle happiness she can provide for her family.
Now she is bringing up her story to the next level, from inspiring young people to be successful in life and be independent while young, and now inspiring family persons, and a parent like her that happiness is, when you are earning great without leaving your loved ones, buy your dream house and making great memories with them, driving your own car with your children singing at the back, traveling and exploring the world with them and simply just being there, watching your children grow.
This is what Aim global offered her and is offering you. Happiness that money can do. You too can make it in this business if you will do what you are required to do. Contact me on +2348035747065.
Here comes the membership fee!!! She did not let the opinion of others affect her decision! She focused on what she wants and do exactly what she was asked to do.
Finally, she is now an official member of AIM GLOBAL, first few months, she was doing the business wholeheartedly. Her priority list is always Aim Global! She invested in knowledge, attended all the trainings of the company, she always take responsibility, she does her own presentations, she went town to town , province to province, city to city, region to region just to expand her business. She stepped out of her comfort zone. And today, she's successful in the business. She always ask the right questions to the right and credible people which lead her to the easy and right path.
This is what happened to her when she gave her 100% submission to her business
11 months-----1st car
1st year----------1st Million Dollar
Travel Incentives Qualifier
• Asian Cruise
• 3x Hk trip qualifier
• 2x Singapore Qualifier
• Personal Travels to Maldives, and other Asian countries
2nd Car Montero sport (CASH)
Renovation of my Parents House
On going construction of my 1st house and lot more as well as the comfort and lifestyle happiness she can provide for her family.
Now she is bringing up her story to the next level, from inspiring young people to be successful in life and be independent while young, and now inspiring family persons, and a parent like her that happiness is, when you are earning great without leaving your loved ones, buy your dream house and making great memories with them, driving your own car with your children singing at the back, traveling and exploring the world with them and simply just being there, watching your children grow.
This is what Aim global offered her and is offering you. Happiness that money can do. You too can make it in this business if you will do what you are required to do. Contact me on +2348035747065.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
You are familiar with 3 in 1 coffee, we now bring you 16,000 in 1! Liven Coffee is The World’s First Alkaline Coffee with lots of health benefits coming from 16,000 phytonutrients from 131 natural ingredients!
Liven Alkaline Coffee is high quality and highly regarded for its distinct taste and aroma because it is made of the finest class of Arabica Coffee beans, and fortified with the COMPLETE PHYTO- ENERGIZER!
Complete Phyto-Energizer is the most nutritionally dense food concentrate. It contains 16,000 phytonutrients that acts as a very powerful antioxidant and anti-aging supplement. It is the First Mega-Nutritionals with ingredients working in synergy to produce maximum health benefits for the body.
Complete Phyto-Energizer is made from:
• 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
• 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
• 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
• 12 Different Mushrooms
It contains:
• More than 16,000 Phytonutrients
• 29 Vitamins and Minerals
• 18 Amino Acids
• 12 Digestive Enzymes
• 12 Specialty Nutrients
• 10 Essential Fatty Acids
Therefore when you take Liven coffee, you can be sure you are taking the healthiest coffee in the world.
Health Benefits:
• Balances the body’s PH level
• Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
• Enhances concentration
• Reduces fatigue
• Heightens alertness
• Detoxifies the body
• Helps prevent cancer of any origin
• Prevents degenerative diseases (arthritis, rheumatism)
• Lowers the risk of heart failure
• Reduces the risk of Type II Diabetes
• Controls high blood pressure
• Enhances sexual vitality, increases sperm motility
• Lowers cholesterol level
• Protects against heart diseases and complications
• Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
• Rejuvenates the skin
• Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcoholic intakes
For product order, just inbox us...
Liven Alkaline Coffee is high quality and highly regarded for its distinct taste and aroma because it is made of the finest class of Arabica Coffee beans, and fortified with the COMPLETE PHYTO- ENERGIZER!
Complete Phyto-Energizer is the most nutritionally dense food concentrate. It contains 16,000 phytonutrients that acts as a very powerful antioxidant and anti-aging supplement. It is the First Mega-Nutritionals with ingredients working in synergy to produce maximum health benefits for the body.
Complete Phyto-Energizer is made from:
• 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
• 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
• 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
• 12 Different Mushrooms
It contains:
• More than 16,000 Phytonutrients
• 29 Vitamins and Minerals
• 18 Amino Acids
• 12 Digestive Enzymes
• 12 Specialty Nutrients
• 10 Essential Fatty Acids
Therefore when you take Liven coffee, you can be sure you are taking the healthiest coffee in the world.
Health Benefits:
• Balances the body’s PH level
• Enhances, nourishes, strengthens and balances the immune system
• Enhances concentration
• Reduces fatigue
• Heightens alertness
• Detoxifies the body
• Helps prevent cancer of any origin
• Prevents degenerative diseases (arthritis, rheumatism)
• Lowers the risk of heart failure
• Reduces the risk of Type II Diabetes
• Controls high blood pressure
• Enhances sexual vitality, increases sperm motility
• Lowers cholesterol level
• Protects against heart diseases and complications
• Promotes healthy blood circulation and cell regeneration
• Rejuvenates the skin
• Offset damage of smoking and heavy alcoholic intakes
For product order, just inbox us...
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
The difference between PASSIVE and ACTIVE income or the difference between EMPLOYMENT and BUSINESS especially AIM GLOBAL Business.
Passive - You don't necessarily need degree certificate to start earning income. All you need is your confidence. This does not mean you won't have to be educated.
Active - You need a degree certificate in order for you to "sell" your time for money. This is why we don't have time for other things.
Passive - You do not need any years of experience, you only need determination. You will be trained.
Active - You need years of experience. This is why nobody wants to hire fresh graduates and train them. Employers by nature are exploitative. Don't blame them. If you were in their shoes, you would do the same thing.
Active - You need a degree certificate in order for you to "sell" your time for money. This is why we don't have time for other things.
Passive - You do not need any years of experience, you only need determination. You will be trained.
Active - You need years of experience. This is why nobody wants to hire fresh graduates and train them. Employers by nature are exploitative. Don't blame them. If you were in their shoes, you would do the same thing.
Passive - You have all the time you need (TIME FREEDOM) It doesn't take all your time. You can combine it with other things.
Active - 8hrs of work everyday. You rarely have time for your family and yourself. This is what we rat race. The question you should ask yourself is how come you have not made so much money despite working all the days of your life? The answer is simple. Formal education will only give you pay check at the end of the month. This does not make you wealthy. You need self education.
Active - 8hrs of work everyday. You rarely have time for your family and yourself. This is what we rat race. The question you should ask yourself is how come you have not made so much money despite working all the days of your life? The answer is simple. Formal education will only give you pay check at the end of the month. This does not make you wealthy. You need self education.
Passive - You are your own BOSS. You are not working for anybody. You have your money doing the work for you.
Active - You have a BOSS. He or she will determine your life, your freedom and your income. This is because he or she understands what passive income is all about.
Active - You have a BOSS. He or she will determine your life, your freedom and your income. This is because he or she understands what passive income is all about.
Passive - You multiply your time through other people. This means you realize that your own efforts alone is not good enough. Therefore, you leverage on the efforts of others.
Active - You give your time to your boss so that he or she will pay you in return. If this is the only thing you do and hope to get those things you desire so much, my friend it is time to rethink. By selling your time, you allow another person to leverage on your time. Be wise, mind your own business.
Active - You give your time to your boss so that he or she will pay you in return. If this is the only thing you do and hope to get those things you desire so much, my friend it is time to rethink. By selling your time, you allow another person to leverage on your time. Be wise, mind your own business.
Passive - More time for leisure, family and for yourself. This is true because you have been able to leverage. You understand that you don't have to do it alone. You would rather have others do it for you.
Active - No much time for leisure, family and for yourself. You are at the mercy of your employer because you have sold your time for money.
Active - No much time for leisure, family and for yourself. You are at the mercy of your employer because you have sold your time for money.
Passive - With passive income, you can have what you want in life. This is because there is no limit to your income.
Active - You can't have what you want because your expenditure depends on your budget/ salary which is being determined by those that bought your time.
Active - You can't have what you want because your expenditure depends on your budget/ salary which is being determined by those that bought your time.
Passive - You only think of freedom and more income.
Active - You think of job Security (are you really secure after retirement? maybe your pension will just go to your medication). You can't wait for your pension or gratuity, you must start something else today.
Active - You think of job Security (are you really secure after retirement? maybe your pension will just go to your medication). You can't wait for your pension or gratuity, you must start something else today.
Remember you attract to your life whatever you give your attention, energy and focus to. Either wanted or unwanted. What you think is what you become.
Now tell me, is working for someone else all the rest of your life what you wish for yourself? You just have to open not only your eyes, but your mind as well to opportunities around you. You have to be smart. Nobody is against paid employment but you will be fooling yourself if you think that you can make all the money you need in life with your own efforts alone. You need efforts of others. Hard work does not guarantee your success. Smart work does.
I'M NOT SAYING THAT EMPLOYMENT IS BAD. I'M JUST SAYING THERE IS A BETTER WAY TO LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO BE. There is more to life than sitting in a cubicle waiting for a call or paperwork. The real experience is outside the office.IF YOU WANT SALARY, I encourage you to be EMPLOYED.. BUT IF YOU WANT "INCOME" then put yourself on the other side of the quadrant and go to BUSINESS. Now this is it, if you are still in the left side of the quadrant, I'm sorry you are still running the rat race. Which side of the quadrant are you?
Think wisely.. You environment and financial condition are the perfect reflection of your habitual thinking. If you bring out positive vibes, you get positive results.
This is why you need to see what we are into in AIM GLOBAL. We have designed a system that will ensure you also leverage on the efforts of others. All you have to do is to partner with us and attend our trainings.
If you feel like you want to do this business with me either as a sideline, Part Time, or Full Time then be a part of my TEAM from all over the world. Let me Teach and Help You ONLINE . All you need is internet.
The Perfect time to START is TODAY! (Not Tomorrow, Not Next Week) But TODAY!!!
The Perfect time to START is TODAY! (Not Tomorrow, Not Next Week) But TODAY!!!
A lot of people do not understand why AIM GLOBAL system is the best. Let me tell you about it. In AIM global, we operate on binary system. That is power of two. All you need to succeed in this business is to partner with us, attend our trainings and duplicate. Believe me this is unique. Our products sell themselves. Nobody is asking you to come and sell products. We are selling the system. Therefore, if you don't understand the concept behind AIM GLOBAL, you will find it difficult to do the business successfully.
This is why we have organize trainings to open your mind to this opportunity.
You are free to contact on +2348035747065 if you need any personal trainer. We are all over the world.
This is why we have organize trainings to open your mind to this opportunity.
You are free to contact on +2348035747065 if you need any personal trainer. We are all over the world.
Are you having infertility challenges? Do you suffer from low sperm count? Use Alliance in motion unique product. We have several testimonies from people who have used the product. Contact me any where you are in the world for more details on +2348035747065.
Do not assume this is just another scam. Try this product and thank me later.
Do not assume this is just another scam. Try this product and thank me later.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Start your own business otherwise the need for salary may keep you in a place where you are miserable for your adult life.
If we get a job, we may get job security, but if we get a business, we may get life prosperity. Either way is up to us.
The first step in becoming a king who rules others is to be able to rule your own self. Self rule is the first rule.
Failure brings us closer to success. Like a bunch of keys. By trying the wrong keys, we eventually know the right key.
The problem with many is that we know what we don't want with a high degree of certainty, but we don't know what we want. Not willing to dare or break the rules may proof costly if you don't take proper care.
Don't feel down and rejected when people tell you NO. NO is not as bad as it sounds. It just means Next Opportunity. Therefore move on. You don't force people to join AIM GLOBAL opportunity. Great minds will see it.
Dont waste time on explanations. True friends dont need it. Real enemies wont believe it. Explain by being successful.
Join Alliance in Motion global opportunity and enjoy unlimited income. Anywhere you are in the world, you can do the business. Contact me on +2348035747065 for more details.
If we get a job, we may get job security, but if we get a business, we may get life prosperity. Either way is up to us.
The first step in becoming a king who rules others is to be able to rule your own self. Self rule is the first rule.
Failure brings us closer to success. Like a bunch of keys. By trying the wrong keys, we eventually know the right key.
The problem with many is that we know what we don't want with a high degree of certainty, but we don't know what we want. Not willing to dare or break the rules may proof costly if you don't take proper care.
Don't feel down and rejected when people tell you NO. NO is not as bad as it sounds. It just means Next Opportunity. Therefore move on. You don't force people to join AIM GLOBAL opportunity. Great minds will see it.
Dont waste time on explanations. True friends dont need it. Real enemies wont believe it. Explain by being successful.
Join Alliance in Motion global opportunity and enjoy unlimited income. Anywhere you are in the world, you can do the business. Contact me on +2348035747065 for more details.
You don't need to be great to START! You need to START to be GREAT!
Nothing will stop YOU from what you want to be as long you are seriously doing it!!!! Congratulations to all our Nigerian LEADERS for taking your effort in achieving your DREAMS!
If you are seeing this and you are not yet a member of this amazing company, go and borrow the money now if you have to. Alliance in motion is the new system in town.
Don't let your ignorance be the obstacle between you and this system.
Learn it now. Delay is dangerous
Anywhere you are in the world, you can do the business. It is unique, easy to do, no Passover. Contact me on +2348035747065 for more information on how to join us
Nothing will stop YOU from what you want to be as long you are seriously doing it!!!! Congratulations to all our Nigerian LEADERS for taking your effort in achieving your DREAMS!
If you are seeing this and you are not yet a member of this amazing company, go and borrow the money now if you have to. Alliance in motion is the new system in town.
Don't let your ignorance be the obstacle between you and this system.
Learn it now. Delay is dangerous
Anywhere you are in the world, you can do the business. It is unique, easy to do, no Passover. Contact me on +2348035747065 for more information on how to join us
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