Tuesday, 2 August 2016



If you are like most people, there always seems to be something that mysteriously appears between you and your dreams. Say you really want to write a book, but never seem to get around to write it. The reason is that whatever gets in the way-whether its cleaning your closets, checking your e-mail, or making some phone calls; has more value to you in that immediate moment than the book you want to write. Think about that for a second. Getting all those phone calls made has more immediate value to you than the value of a book that could potentially touch the lives of thousands of people, and make you enough money to become a full-time writer. How ludicrous is that? This is the one thing standing between you and being a successful millionaire.

How many things are you allowing to get in your own way, forming resistance that stops you from being who you're supposed to be? Because essentially, at some level, what your little voice is saying is that the phone calls or the closet cleaning are more important than sitting down to write your book…More important than being who you are supposed to be.

When you really look at procrastination, the first toll that little voice takes is on your confidence. As a matter of fact, Ive worked with thousands of people over the years in both sales and leadership, and the issue of effectiveness many times boils down to confidence.

The more times you allow that little voice to procrastinate and justify not doing something, the less confident you become in taking on the bigger tasks that you should be accomplishing. If your confidence is low, then your resistance will be high, and you will never accomplish the things you set out to do or become who you want to be!

I've seen so many people fail to achieve their full potential because they were too busy sorting through piles of resistance. A woman came up to me in one of my workshops and said, I've had this idea about a book for a long time. I asked her why she hadn't written it yet, and she said, Well, I've had a lot of great ideas, but I just never seem to get around to it. I asked her, So what's it going to take for you to do it? Are you going to schedule some time? Develop a list of priorities?

None of that seemed to work for her, until we began to discuss the concept of self-value Resistance often comes from people undervaluing themselves. When you do that, you're devaluing the natural gift that you have to give, the one you were put on this planet to share. And because of that, everything else becomes more important, which is why you dont get to it. That's why you end up frustrated. That was when the truth hit home for her. Within four months, her book was complete.

If there is frustration about not having fulfilled your potential by now, imagine the frustration you'll feel somewhere down the road when youre fifty, sixty, seventy, or eighty years old, as you think to yourself, How come I didn't do it? Why didn't I do it? I should have done it. Its too late now and I cant do it. (By the way, its never too late.)?

But, keep In mind repetition builds conditioning. By repeatedly putting in too many hours at the office, having too many phone calls to make, partying with your friends rather than spending that time at home or with your significant other, yourre conditioning resistance toward building a better relationship. How does that happen? The more times you repeat the scenario of hanging out with your friends and having another drink at the bar, the more value you place on that in-the-moment experience. It becomes more valuable to you at that moment than developing the loving relationship with your family that you may really want more in the long run. You are actually conditioning yourself to place greater value on those other things instead of on your own dreams.

Those things that are standing in front of you are awfully tempting, but youve allowed the value of that moment to override the long-term value of a future moment. Why? Because youve let the little voice convince you, You deserve this right now, and that will come later, and besides…youre probably not able to pull that off anyway.

If your self-esteem is low, youre going to do whatever it takes to make you feel good in the moment. Thats how blocks and resistance are created. It would be tough for me, too-I might even go for the ten grand. Why? Because it would make me feel good right now. But if I felt really good about me, I'd say, No, Im going to go for the $15,000 because I'd rather have ten years added my life. It takes a person with high self-esteem to do that.

That doesn't mean that if you don't have great self-esteem, youre all screwed up. It just means if you can develop the ability to step outside yourself, view yourself objectively and say, Whoa! I'm devaluing me! That's what is causing the resistance! you're starting to win the game. You're managing the little voice creating all the resistance that stands between you, your goals and the life you dream of having.

Be Awesome,

Join the millionaires business. The only business that can guarantee you financial freedom. I am talking about AIM global system.

It is my wish that you change your mind and learn how to take control of your life. AIM GLOBAL SYSTEM is real.

Monday, 1 August 2016



There is a pattern you may have seen, participated in and still ongoing. The pattern of get up, go to work, pay bills; get up, go to work, pay bills. People’s lives are forever controlled by two emotions: fear and greed. Offer them more money and they continue the cycle by increasing their spending. This is what is reffered to as "Rat Race".
Most people have a price. And they have a price because of human emotions named fear and greed. First, the fear of being without money motivates us to work hard, and then once we get that paycheck, greed or desire starts us thinking about all the wonderful things money can buy. The pattern is then set. We are in the Rat Race. And while it was so easy to get in, most people never make it out.

Over the years, many people have vowed that they would love to follow the Rich Dad message but they can’t because they’re caught in the Rat Race. They go to work. They pay their bills. They get further in debt and as a result, they go back to work again—day after day after day. What they fail to realize is the real reason they are caught in the Rat Race. They fail to recognize that why some people make more money and escape the Rat Race all goes back to a person’s ideas. The Rat Race Taboo is those thoughts that keep you in the Rat Race
When people think about escaping from the Rat Race or even making more  money, they oftentimes come up with sayings like these:

 “I can’t start a business. Are you crazy? I have a wife and three kids to feed.”
 “I can’t wait five years before I get another paycheck.”
 “I don’t have any money to invest.”
 “I need more information before I do anything.”
 “I tried that before. It will never work.”
 “I don’t need to know how to read financial statements. I can get by.”
“I don’t have to worry, I’m still young.”
 “I’m not smart enough.”
 “I would do that if I could find the right people to do it with me.”
 “My husband would never go along with that.”
 “My wife would never understand.”
 “It’s just too late for me.”
 “It’s not worth it. I’ll never be rich anyway.”

When people come up with those kinds of objections, there’s some validity to it. The reason there is some validity is because most people have been trained to think like employees. They’ve never been taught how to be business owners or to develop the financial skills necessary to be rich.
The second reason people are not able to escape the Rat Race is simply that they don’t have control over themselves or control over their emotions. If a  person cannot control their emotions or control themselves, then escaping the Rat Race is very difficult.

The problem in the world today isn’t the lack of money, it is too much money. Too many people think there isn’t enough money to go around. The reality is that it’s so easy to raise money. Why would anybody say there is not enough  money? When I say to people it doesn’t take money to make money, what I am really saying is that it takes creativity and some technical skills. For example, many of us dream about having a home out in the country. I had that dream, too. I wanted a place to get away from it all. The difference is most people say they don’t have the money and let go of their dream. They simply say, “Well, I can’t afford it.” And that is why they will always be poor. I, on the other hand, asked, “How can I afford it?”
“I can’t afford it” comes from a self-centered, small thinking point of view. If you want to be rich, think big and then think bigger.

All of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time. It is up to you to do what you please with both. With each dollar bill that enters your hand, you, and only you, have the power to determine your destiny. Spend it foolishly, and you choose to be poor. Spend it on liabilities, and you join the middle class. Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets, and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future. The choice is yours, and only yours. Every day with every dollar, you decide to be rich, poor, or middle class.
Choose to share this knowledge with your children, and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits. No one else will.
You and your children’s future will be determined by choices you make today, not tomorrow.
I wish you great wealth and much happiness with this fabulous gift called life.

If you need a system that will enable you to escape the rat race, inbox me.  I will show you how you can be integrated into the AIM GLOBAL SYSTEM. Whatsapp me on +2348035747065